SMS & MMS .NET-libraries for rapid development of messaging software. Minimal learning curve and included project samples for C# and VB.NET gets you from an application idea to the running software in no time. Join our community of over 1000 customers worldwide!

Inetlab.SMPP - library for sending and receiving SMS


Inetlab.SMPP is a .NET implementation of SMPP protocol. This library can communicate with SMSC, send and receive SMS messages. Using the same DLL, you can create SMPP Server/Gateway and provide advanced SMS services to your customers.

It is the most reliable SMPP .NET implementation.

Inetlab.MMS.MM7 - library for sending and receiving MMS


Inetlab.MMS.MM7 is a .NET library for sending and receiving MMS messages. It works via Internet and HTTP protocol. The library also supports media extraction, SMIL and IIS.

Advanced and simple to use MMS .NET library.

Easy SDK

Easy SDK

.NET components with comprehensive list of methods for SMS and MMS. Create sending / receiving software with a few lines of code. Use your favorite code editor/IDE as well as our tutorial code samples and .NET projects.



Bulk sending up to 500 messages per second. Proven in various deployments. Multi-threaded and asynchronous methods for message delivery, Load-Balancers support.



Compatible with earliest and latest Microsoft .NET Standard, .NET Core, .NET Framework and Mono.



Professional support from the developers and full access to open community forum. Easily find answers to common questions or get direct assistance from the developers.

About InetLab

About About InetLab - Mobile Internet Solutions

Experienced developers around the world rely on InetLab .NET Components. Our messaging solutions minimize efforts in writing reliable software on C#, VB.NET or any other .NET programming language. Hundreds of customers give us their feedback and help us to develop fully featured libraries with top-notch architecture. We provide regular updates on our website and in NuGet gallery.