SMPP logger trigger extra connections

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SMPP logger trigger extra connections

Post by soonchew » Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:52 am

We tried to turn on smpp logging for debugging using below code from example.
However, this seems to cause extra local connections to be made and logged.

We are using .NET5 with the latest nuget Inetlab.SMPP 2.9.14 to build the smpp server
Inetlab.SMPP.Logging.LogManager.SetLoggerFactory(new LoggerFactoryAdapter(host.Services.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>(), Inetlab.SMPP.Logging.LogLevel.Info));

Attached the connection logs generated every 8 seconds.
It seems a local connection is made every 8 seconds when smpp logging is turned on.
Without smpp logging (using normal console logger), we do not see these "extra" connections being made, so the connections should be triggered from the smpp logging.
Screenshot 2021-09-09 184228.jpg
Screenshot 2021-09-09 184228.jpg (98.45 KiB) Viewed 39621 times
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Re: SMPP logger trigger extra connections

Post by alt » Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:05 pm

The connection is triggered from outside. Internal SmppConnection object writes these log events when some TCP client connects/disconnects with your server.
The format {localIP}:{localPort} => {remoteIp}:{remotePort} is used to represent the connection in the log event.
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